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    J-STAGE 2023. 医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス. 一般用医薬品の濫用防止対策 -「濫用等のおそれのある医薬品」の範囲見直し-

    WebSite 2022. 中毒研究. 「特集 OTC 薬に潜む危険;臨床的特徴」について

    WebSite 2022. 中毒研究. 向精神薬などの処方薬および市販薬乱用による急性薬物中毒死の1例

    WebSite 2021. 中毒研究. OTC 薬乱用・依存の現状と対応

    WebSite 2021. 中毒研究. 臨床的特徴

    WebSite 2021. 中毒研究. 日本における薬物乱用を調査するための市販薬「製品分類」案

    WebSite 2021. 中毒研究. ダイエット目的でエフェドリン製品を過量服用して死亡した 1 剖検例

    WebSite 2019. 中毒研究. 医療従事者向け情報が少ない市販薬の成分

    WebSite 2019. 中毒研究. OTC 薬の乱用・依存について

    WebSite 2019. 中毒研究. 中毒診療における薬剤師の役割

    WebSite 2019. 中毒研究. カフェインと依存性薬物の併用効果

    WebSite 2019. 中毒研究. 薬物依存症臨床から見たカフェイン関連精神障害

    PubMed 2018. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol. Time-to-onset of cold and flu symptom relief: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study for a multi-symptom combination product

    PubMed 2018. Contact Dermatitis. Ephedrine-induced erythrodermia: Clinical diagnostic procedure and cross-sensitivity

    PubMed 2018. Am J Ther. Pseudoephedrine Associated Ischemic Colitis

    J-STAGE 2018. 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報. 耳鼻咽喉科医のためのアンチ・ドーピング知識

    PubMed 2017. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. Assessment of student pharmacists' ethical decision-making

    PubMed 2017. Contact Dermatitis. Non-pigmenting fixed drug eruption with mixed features of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by pseudoephedrine: a case report

    PubMed 2017. J Fam Pract. Clinical Inquiry: Do oral decongestants have a clinically significant effect on BP in patients with hypertension?

    PubMed 2017. Pediatrics. Safety Profile of Cough and Cold Medication Use in Pediatrics

    PubMed 2017. Can J Cardiol. Acute Myocardial Infarction from Coronary Vasospasm Precipitated by Pseudoephedrine and Metoprolol Use

    PubMed 2017. Ann Pharmacother. The Treatment of Primary Orthostatic Hypotension

    PubMed 2017. Int J Clin Pract. Factors associated with efficacy of an ibuprofen/pseudoephedrine combination drug in pharmacy customers with common cold symptoms

    PubMed 2017. Xenobiotica. Pharmacokinetics of guaifenesin, pseudoephedrine and hydrocodone in a combination oral liquid formulation, administered as single and multiple doses in healthy Chinese volunteers, and comparison with data for individual compounds formulated as AntussR

    PubMed 2017. Addiction. Pharmaceutical sales of pseudoephedrine: the impact of electronic tracking systems on methamphetamine crime incidents

    J-STAGE 2017. 耳鼻咽喉科免疫アレルギー. フェキソフェナジン塩酸塩/塩酸プソイドエフェドリン配合錠単剤投与の鼻閉に対する効果―鼻腔通気度検査による評価―

    J-STAGE 2017. 昭和学士会雑誌. 特集:最近の耳鼻咽喉科治療 昭和大学病院耳鼻咽喉科におけるアレルギー性鼻炎の治療

    J-STAGE 2017. YAKUGAKU ZASSHI. マオウ属植物及びトリカブト属植物を例とした系統解析の薬用植物評価への利用

    CiNii 2017. 精神科治療学. 市販薬の乱用・依存患者のために知っておきたい市販薬の成分

    PubMed 2016. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Nasal decongestants in monotherapy for the common cold

    PubMed 2016. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. Evaluation of pseudoephedrine pharmacy sales before and after mandatory recording requirements in Western Australia: a case study

    PubMed 2016. Addiction. Essential/precursor chemicals and drug consumption: impacts of US sodium permanganate and Mexico pseudoephedrine controls on the numbers of US cocaine and methamphetamine users

    PubMed 2016. Drug Des Devel Ther. Voiding dysfunction in patients with nasal congestion treated with pseudoephedrine: a prospective study

    PubMed 2016. Clin Ter. The acute effect of pseudoephedrine on choroidal thickness

    PubMed 2016. Health Policy. Misuse of OTC drugs in Poland

    PubMed 2016. Am J Addict. Recreational use of dextromethorphan, "Robotripping"-A brief review

    PubMed 2016. Int J Drug Policy. Analysing pseudoephedrine/methamphetamine policy options in Australia using multi-criteria decision modelling

    PubMed 2016. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Bullous nonpigmenting multifocal fixed drug eruption due to pseudoephedrine in a combination drug: clinical and diagnostic observations

    J-STAGE 2016. 耳鼻咽喉科臨床. アレルギー性鼻炎に対するフェキソフェナジン塩酸塩/塩酸プソイドエフェドリン配合錠の投与法に関する検討

    J-STAGE 2016. 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報. アレルギー性鼻炎に対する最新の薬物療法と免疫療法

    J-STAGE 2016. アレルギー. ガイドラインのワンポイント解説 鼻アレルギー診療ガイドライン―通年性鼻炎と花粉症―2016年版(改訂第8版)―抗ヒスタミン薬使用のポイント―

    J-STAGE 2016. 耳鼻咽喉科免疫アレルギー. アレルギー性鼻炎の鼻閉に対するpseudoephedrineの有効性

    J-STAGE 2016. 心臓. 総合感冒薬服用後に胸痛, 心筋障害を繰り返した若年男性の1例

    PubMed 2015. Crit Care Nurs Q. Methylene blue, midodrine, and pseudoephedrine: a review of alternative agents for refractory hypotension in the intensive care unit

    PubMed 2015. Laryngoscope. Oral pseudoephedrine decreases the rate of transmucosal nitrous oxide exchange for the middle ear

    PubMed 2015. PLoS One. Willingness-to-accept pharmaceutical retail inconvenience: evidence from a contingent choice experiment

    PubMed 2015. J Addict Med. Mania after misuse of dextromethorphan: a case report and brief review of "robotripping"

    PubMed 2015. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. Benefits, limits and danger of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine as nasal decongestants

    PubMed 2015. Scand J Med Sci Sports. Pseudoephedrine and circadian rhythm interaction on neuromuscular performance

    PubMed 2015. Herz. ST elevation myocardial infarction after use of pseudoephedrine : which is more dangerous, the common cold itself or the medication used for it?

    J-STAGE 2015. 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報. 最新のアレルギー性鼻炎診療

    PubMed 2014. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). Kentucky pharmacists' opinions of the potential reclassification of pseudoephedrine as a legend drug

    PubMed 2014. BMJ Case Rep. Acute ischaemic colitis associated with oral phenylephrine decongestant use

    PubMed 2014. J Dig Dis. Pseudoephedrine-induced ischemic colitis: case report and literature review

    PubMed 2013. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. Symptoms of major depression after pseudoephedrine withdrawal: a case report

    PubMed 2013. Res Social Adm Pharm. Assessing community pharmacist engagement in a policing partnership strategy to reduce the illicit diversion of pseudoephedrine products

    PubMed 2013. Int J Cardiol. Ventricular tachycardia induced by pseudoephedrine tablets for common cold

    PubMed 2012. East Asian Arch Psychiatry. Clinical characteristics of cough mixture abusers referred to three substance abuse clinics in Hong Kong: a retrospective study

    PubMed 2012. Am Fam Physician. Treatment of the common cold in children and adults

    PubMed 2012. J Leg Med. Pharmacists on the front lines in the fight against meth. A 50-state comparison of the laws regulating the retail sale of pseudoephedrine

    PubMed 2012. Drug Alcohol Depend. Changing over-the-counter ephedrine and pseudoephedrine products to prescription only: impacts on methamphetamine clandestine laboratory seizures

    PubMed 2011. Indian J Pediatr. Effect of pseudoephedrine on cardiac rhythm of children with rhinitis

    PubMed 2011. Dermatitis. Pseudoephedrine may cause "pigmenting" fixed drug eruption

    PubMed 2011. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. The role of pseudoephedrine on daytime somnolence in patients suffering from perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR)

    PubMed 2010. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. Impact of the voluntary withdrawal of over-the-counter cough and cold medications on pediatric ingestions reported to poison centers

    PubMed 2010. J Clin Sleep Med. Pharmacological treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with a combination of pseudoephedrine and domperidone

    PubMed 2010. J Clin Pharmacol. Demonstration of the analgesic efficacy and dose-response of acetylsalicylic acid with pseudoephedrine

    PubMed 2010. J Emerg Med. Pseudoephedrine-induced paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia: a case report

    J-STAGE 2010. 皮膚の科学. 市販鼻炎薬(ジキナR鼻炎カプセル)による急性汎発性発疹性膿疱症の1例

    J-STAGE 1996. 分析化学. イムノアッセイを原理とする尿中覚せい剤の捜査現場予備試験法

    J-STAGE 1984. 分析化学. マオウ中の総アルカロイドの簡易定量

    J-STAGE 1932. 岡山醫學會雜誌. 「エフェドリン」,「エフェトニン」及ビ「プソイドエフェドリン」ノ作用,特ニ抑制性交感神經作用ノ比較研究

