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    J-STAGE 2018. YAKUGAKU ZASSHI. 有害事象自発報告データベース(JADER)を用いた一般用医薬品の総合感冒剤による有害事象プロファイルの検討

    PubMed 2017. Chest. Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatment for Acute Cough Associated With the Common Cold: CHEST Expert Panel Report

    PubMed 2015. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the common cold

    PubMed 2013. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) for the common cold in adults

    PubMed 2012. Pediatrics. Effect of Honey on Nocturnal Cough and Sleep Quality: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study

    PubMed 2009. N Engl J Med. Common Cold, Uncommon Variation

    PubMed 2009. Arch Intern Med. Sleep Habits and Susceptibility to the Common Cold

    PubMed 2009. Sleep. Sleep Duration and Biomarkers of Inflammation

    PubMed 2008. J Clin Virol. Human Rhinoviruses: The Cold Wars Resume

    PubMed 2007. J Infect Dis. Rhinovirus-associated Hospitalizations in Young Children

    PubMed 2007. Am Fam Physician. Treatment of the common cold

    PubMed 2007. Intern Med. Influence of loxoprofen use on recovery from naturally acquired upper respiratory tract infections: a randomized controlled trial

    PubMed 2007. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. Modulation of the Immune System by Human Rhinoviruses

    PubMed 2005. Am J Prev Med. Prevention of upper respiratory tract infections by gargling: a randomized trial

    PubMed 2004. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Detection of Airborne Rhinovirus and Its Relation to Outdoor Air Supply in Office Environments

    PubMed 2003. Arch Intern Med. The Economic Burden of Non-Influenza-Related Viral Respiratory Tract Infection in the United States

    PubMed 2002. Acta Otolaryngol. An Explanation for the Seasonality of Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Viral Infections

    PubMed 1995. Eur J Epidemiol. Shared Office Space and the Risk of the Common Cold

    PubMed 1995. J Allergy Clin Immunol. The common cold: current therapy and natural history

    PubMed 1987. J Infect Dis. Aerosol Transmission of Rhinovirus Colds

    PubMed 1986. JAMA. Sites of Rhinovirus Recovery After Point Inoculation of the Upper Airway

    PubMed 1984. J Infect Dis. Short-duration Exposure and the Transmission of Rhinoviral Colds

    PubMed 1978. Ann Intern Med. Hand-to-hand Transmission of Rhinovirus Colds

    PubMed 1973. N Engl J Med. Transmission of Rhinovirus Colds by Self-Inoculation

